Just published, "Mataluna: 151 Afghan Pashto Proverbs" with a foreword by yours truely.
In development for over a year, this is the Pashto companion to "Zarbul Masalha, 151 Afghan Dari Proverbs". The first book captures Dari proverbs and thanks to Captain Edward Zellem's social media skills, the book has reached thousands of people around the world. My copy is marked up on all pages with sticky notes and stars. I rely on it to weave color into my Afghanistan related writing.
Pashto, a language spoken by over 40% of Afghans, has its own historic tradition of proverbs. Mataluna, the word for proverb, features 151 of the best Pashto proverbs in use today. It includes English translation and transliteration for those of us who can't read the Arabic script. The book also features 50 new artworks by the students of Marefat High School in Kabul.
Last summer, Captain Edward Zellem initiated a "crowdsourcing for proverbs" project which was immensely successful. The proverbs in the book were contributed by native Pashto speakers from all over the world. I want to thank my honorary Afghan friend, Captain Edward Zellem, for improving our world through bridge building, friendship and love of language.
Support Afghan literacy and give the gift of Afghan Proverbs for Eid-e-Ramazin 2014. More information and links on where to buy the book can be found at www.afghansayings.com.
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