By Humaira
One of my goals for this blog, and the work I do with my nonprofit organization Afghan Friends Network, is to show the world the human side of Afghanistan. All we hear about is the Taliban, war, corruption, and misery. Our media doesn't cover the people who send their children to school, cook three meals a day, celebrate new babies and enjoy family picnics, despite the turmoil surrounding them. More than 30 million Afghans live lives we don't hear about.
I recently came across an amazing blog, Kabul: A City At Work. It showcases Afghans living and working in Kabul through video interviews and photo portraits. It captures Afghans at work telling their own stories.
These small vignettes of Kabul life provide a glimpse into the soul of this misrepresented country. As stated on their blog the goals of this project are to:
Give Afghan people an international voice.
Attract a global audience for cultural issues in Kabul.
Provide a sustainable template for further creative projects.
Dispel negative perceptions of Afghanistan.
So, sit back and enjoy over 60 episodes about fascinating Afghans:
#12- Who is the sweet maker?
#033- Who is the interior designer?
#026- Who is the female entrepenuer?
#16- Who is the skateboard teacher?
Except where otherwise noted, all content on this blog is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license.